Old Age Will Not Kill You!
Dr Lipski has lifted the lid on misdiagnosis, malnutrition and other harmful medical myths.
Many families experience the frustration of watching their elderly relatives’ health decline every day only to be told that it’s just “old age” that causes dizziness, falls, confusion, malnutrition, and breathlessness and more. Families hear time again “what do you expect- he is 89 years old you know!”
No one should ever blame old age for failing health!
Dr Peter Lipski, Australian Geriatrician had many years of experience treating complex frail older people. His latest book “Your Elderly Parents Failing Health. Is It Ageing Or A Treatable Condition” Third Edition highlights many of the important Geriatric Medicine topics on care of the elderly that families and carers need to read.
The Must Have Book If You Have Elderly Parents
Dr Peter Lipski dispels the myths of ageing and shows how many treatable conditions can be overlooked in old age.
This book uses plain English to explain the illnesses from which older people are most likely to suffer. This is a very welcome book that will provide much hugeIy valuable information and advice to carers of frail older people- Australasian Journal on Ageing / Volume 40, p95 March 2021.
Book dispels myths about health issues due to "old age". Australian Ageing Agenda. 24 April, 2019. https://www.australianageingagenda.com.au/contributors/opinion/book-dispels-myths-about-health-issues-due-to-old-age/
"Old age will not kill you". Western Medicine is mistreating older people. Dr Lipski is fed up with the way our health system is treating older Australians and has lifted the lid on misdiagnosis, malnutrition and harmful medical myths." "Central Coast Express. 13 June, 2019. NSW Central Coast Australia.
A valuable contribution to the field of Geriatrics, Your Elderly Parents Failing Health by Dr Peter Lipski inspires a re-examination of how society views older people's health. Highly recommended by Chick Lit Caf© .Book review. Chicklitcafe.com 26 Jan 2020. https://chicklitcafe.com/2020/01/26/your-elderly-parents-failing-health-by-dr-peter-lipski/
It's never too late to treat an older person. On The Coast Over 55. Issue 42, July/August 2021. P18-19. NSW Central Coast Australia.
Program ‘transforming lives’ of elderly. https://coastcommunitynews.com.au/central-coast/news/2021/11/program-transforming-lives-of-elderly-patients/
Does old age make you ill? NO IT DOES NOT!!!
Does old age cause memory loss? NO IT DOES NOT!!!
Does old age make you slow up and make you more confused? NO IT DOES NOT!!!